Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Waiting IsThe Hardest Part...

Hello Dear Readers, I want to thank you all for your support in helping me find a new home. We haven't found it yet but I am staying hopeful that it will happen soon.

I try to stay alert when we are driving just in case my new family passes by I can stop them and let them know I am here - and I am ready to go and start my new life.

Sometimes I get kind of tired from all that searching and I have to take a little break.

Sometimes I have to take a good long nap so I can be ready for when my new family finds me.

I try to keep my mind occupied but usually a nap is the only thing that makes me feel better.

Sometimes it makes me sad that I have not found my new family yet...I know they are out there...I kind of thought they would have found me by now...

Let me know if you see them - and please let them know where to find me...I'll just go and play some more with my foster sister Mona and try to stay hopeful... thanks for stopping by!
If you are interested in adopting Miss Mia please email Susan at Join us on Facebook - Mia has her own group called "Find Mia A Home"


Puffy said...

Oh, Mia-girl, they're out there somewhere, and you've got a lot of folks helping you look. Keep your chin up....

margaret said...

Yes, don't worry, Mia! Your new family will find their way to you soon, I'm sure! Please don't give up hope, and remember that we love you.

Heather and Pumpkin said...

Hi Mia,

I was on the Internet for 6 months before I found my new mommy so I know its awfully hard to wait. I don't see how anyone can resist you in your pretty pink sweater! Hang in there sweetie. I am keeping my paws crossed for you.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mia dont worry sumtimes it takes a while to find a new home. Mummy always takes waaay too long to find her fosters a new place to live.

Yer pal Dozer

Mia said...

Thanks Puffy and welcome to my blog - thanks for stopping in and helping me to keep my chin up!

Thanks Margaret...I know they will find me.

Thanks Pumpkin - 6 months huh? For a cutie patootie like you? OK I can wait a little while longer!

Thanks Dozer...yeah people can be picky sometimes... but they mean well...

I am hanging in there - thanks everyone - be sure to tell a few more people to stop by!

Anonymous said...

Mia, we are hoping you find your furever home soon. In the mean time I gave you an award! You can come by anytime for it :)

Anonymous said...

Mia we are hoping you find your furever home soon. In the meantime we gave you an award!

The Brat Pack said...

Hi there...
We just found ya through Daisy's blog and wanted to say HI!

Rulon & The Brats

Mia said...

Oh Daisydog thanks so much for giving us an award it is our first one! We will visit you soon and you can tell us what to do...

Hello Brat Pack - thanks for stopping by!


Burning Moon said...

Hi Mia,
I'm sitting here in tears wishing I could bring you home but living so far away (Texas) and already having 3 bully breeds makes that impossible, especially since one of them is a special needs dog. I really hope you find a home soon. You are absolutely beautiful!